CANS 2023 Winter Holiday Closure

Please be advised that CANS office will close for the winter holidays at 12 p.m. (noon) on Friday, December 22, 2023, reopening on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

Construction stats: building permit values, October 2023

Month-over-month, Nova Scotia’s total building permits (residential and non-residential) decreased 28.0% to $207.9 million in October 2023.

Notice // CANS office closing early on Friday, December 8

Please be advised that CANS office will be closing at 3 p.m. this Friday, December 8, 2023, to allow CANS staff to celebrate the holidays together.

Weather Update // CANS office will delay opening on December 4, 2023

Due to the current weather conditions, CANS office will delay opening until 10 a.m. this morning, Monday, December 4.

City of Moncton implements new bid and tendering system

The City of Moncton, in partnership with GHD Digital Canada, is pleased to announce its transition to bids&tenders, an online, electronic bidding platform which will enhance the City’s current procurement processes, making the bidding process easier, faster, and more reliable.

Province hosting virtual information session on Critical Construction Worker Pilot, December 4

Join the Province on Monday December 4th, 2023, from 1-2 pm, for a Virtual Information Session on the newly announced Nova Scotia Nominee Program – Critical Construction Worker Pilot Stream.

Participants wanted for focus group on retention of indigenous peoples

The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) is hosting two focus groups where we are gathering input from apprenticeship stakeholders about initiatives that support Indigenous pre-apprentices and apprentices. Sessions start December 4, please click here for more information.

CCDC Introduces three new documents: CCDC 2MA, CCDC 4, and CCDC 18

Updated to incorporate the changes first implemented in CCDC 2 – 2020, these three contracts have been modernized to provide a clear and consistent framework for construction processes and minimize the risk of disputes and misunderstandings. 

Building construction highlights from September 2023

Month-over-month, Nova Scotia’s non-residential building construction increased 2.7% to $83.9 million in September 2023.

Special Bulletin: Impending Storm Warning for November 18-19

A strong fall storm system will bring strong wind and rain to Nova Scotia this weekend. With knowledge that construction sites in the province come with some additional risk during these events, we urge you to be diligent to meet all safety precautions.