Building Futures for Youth – Help Build a Future!

We are still looking to connect Building Futures for Youth (BFY) students with Host Employers in the following areas:

– Sydney and surrounding areas

– Bridgewater and surrounding areas

– Yarmouth County and surrounding areas

– Amherst and Surrounding areas

BFY Students are:

–  Are minimum 16 years of age

–  Are screened by CANS and Industry Reps

–  Are trained certified in WHMIS, OH&S, First Aid, Fall Protection & Scaffolding

–  Have their own PPE and transportation to work

–  Are subject to all standard workplace rules and expectations


How you can help:

–  Hire a student for 5-7 weeks

–  If you are unable to hire a student, do you know another employer who may be able to?  Let us know!


For more information, or if you have any questions please contact: Alain Lefebvre 902.468.2267 ext. 712

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Sewage Sludge with Cement Can Make Concrete

Researchers from Universiti Teknologi MARA investigated the potential to replace various quantities of cement with processed sewage sludge to create a concrete mixture. Read more

Sponsoring A Construction Site

Naming rights for professional sports venues are a big deal, so much so many of the businesses that own naming rights become synonymous with the team.  As far as we can determine, though, no construction job site has ever been sponsored by a company in exchange for naming rights…until now. Read more

Innovation Conversation Is Heating Up in Canadian Construction

It’s no secret that Canada’s construction industry has been taking a beating for lagging in innovation. Major global studies have flagged the country as an innovation laggard, and the construction sector has been further singled out as underperforming even those weak national statistics. Read more

Developing Missouri’s ‘Road to Tomorrow’

Interstate 70 between Kansas City and St. Louis is about to become a “laboratory for construction of the next generation of highways” where private-sector organizations can test new technologies. Read more

Powerful Fabric Developed by UK Students a Game-changer for Fixing Local Bridges

A game-changer for fixing failing bridges is coming in the form of a powerful fabric, developed by engineering students at the University of Kentucky. Not only is it strong, it is a cost-saver too. Read more

If You Have Not Adopted Lean, Here’s The Reason You Will

Someone who has never heard of “lean construction” would be right to think “lean” means reduced waste, higher productivity, and better profitability. Those benefits alone would be great reasons to adopt the practice, but if you are not practicing lean construction, those reasons probably won’t be the ones that make you take the leap and learn how to do it. When you do adopt lean practices, you’ll likely do it to remain competitive. Because construction companies practicing lean report its greatest benefit is to win them business. Read more

The Gauntlet Is Thrown, What Are You Doing to Promote Construction?

With a looming skilled labour shortage plaguing Canada’s construction industry, the Ontario Construction Careers Alliance (OCCA) is hoping to combat the problem by reaching out to high school students across Ontario with the goal of educating them about the many career opportunities available to them in construction. Read more

New Brochure: Standardization of Construction Specifications and Contract Language

The CCA Civil Infrastructure Council has published a new brochure that can be used to discuss standardization of construction specifications and contract language with municipal officials.
Download brochure