The 2016 construction holiday gift guide

From practical gear to low-tech wearables, these ideas are sure to make the day of any construction pro on your list. Read more.

Commissioner Bulletin – Fall 2016

This fall has been hectic with the new government passing its one-year mark and moving forward on its commitments. As I am sure you well know, consultations abound, and fortunately at ESDC there is one convenient link for the ones emanating from here, as well as a click through for other government consultations. Read more. 

Call to Action Video

A clear transformation is needed for the Canadian architecture, engineering, construction, owners and operations (AECOO) community to improve its performance and contribute more effectively to the societal, environmental and economic development of Canada. The Canadian chapter (bSC) of buildingSMART International (bSI), a council of the Institute for BIM in Canada (IBC), firmly believes that this transformation should be supported by more collaborative approaches to project delivery based on building information modeling (BIM) tools, technologies and processes that are aligned with other similar initiatives currently under way around the globe. In light of this, bSC has developed a roadmap to prompt, guide and sustain this transformation. Watch video

Construction Employers Anticipate Major Skills Shortage, Hays Reports

Three of four construction employers are concerned about the availability of skilled labour, reports the annual Hays Canada Salary Guide, released recently.Read more

Reynolds, Vogel Warn Hard Work Remains on Lien Act Reform

It’s been a few months since the report Striking the Balance: Expert Review of Ontario’s Construction Lien Act was released and while its authors Bruce Reynolds and Sharon Vogel have been working on the report since 2015, they recognize there is a lot more work ahead. Read more

Application Deadline for Next Gold Seal Exam This Week

Next Gold Seal exam will take place Jan. 20, 2017. The deadline to apply is Friday, December 16. Visit the Gold Seal website to use the online wizard to see if you qualify and to apply


US construction spending increased by 0.5 per cent in October compared to September, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1,172 billion. Read more.

The Rise of Telematics: How High-tech Equipment Tracking Is Taking Over Job Sites High

Forget about Uber. When it comes to innovative vehicle start-ups, the darling of investors is Uptake, a Chicago-based construction equipment telematics firm. Launched by Groupon co-founder Brad Keywell, Uptake was valuated at a unicorn-qualifying $1.1 billion last year. Read more

Cement Materials A Substantial, but Overlooked Carbon Sink

The cement/concrete industry has been an environmental bad boy for the last couple of decades. Read more