5 ways CANS can help with New Year’s resolutions for construction pros in 2017

Looking to follow through with your New Years Resolutions this year? CANS Industry Education and Training courses can help! According to this article from Construction Dive, we can help you resolve 4 out of the 5 top resolutions for the Construction Industry: http://ow.ly/gT96307ImlL 

1. Advocate for career training = CANS Industry Education and Training Program

2. Go Lean = Implementing Lean Construction – April 21, 2017. Register:  https://secure.cans.ns.ca/education/render/?EventID=2892

3. Spearhead a charity initiative = Corporate Social Responsibility – February 23, 2017. Register: https://secure.cans.ns.ca/education/render/?EventID=2901

4. Keep an eye out for troubled coworkers = Mental Health in the Workplace – February 16, 2017. Register: https://secure.cans.ns.ca/education/render/?EventID=2900

For more information, contact:

Chantal Arsenault
Industry Education and Training Coordinator
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
Tel: 902.468.2267 ext. 706
Cell: 902.817.6246
Email: carsenault@cans.ns.ca


Regulation Changes – Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency

In October 2016, amendments to the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications General Regulations and all trade regulations were published. These amendments will be implemented on April 1, 2017 and will impact your apprenticeship program. Read more.

Did You Know? Changes to Nova Scotia’s Limitation of Actions Act

Nova Scotia’s new Limitation of Actions Act (the “Act”) came into force on September 1, 2015. The Act significantly limits the time period for which parties in the construction industry are exposed to potential claims. The changes to the Act provide a level of certainty for the industry, as there is now a defined period of time in which a claim must be started. Read more.

Help us Plot the Course of our Organization for the Next Five Years

On behalf of the Construction Association of Nova Scotia’s President and Board of Directors, we invite you to one of our strategic planning consultations throughout Nova Scotia. Join us to provide your input on topics important to your organization and the construction industry. Light food and refreshments will be provided.

Dates, Times & Locations:

Tuesday, January 10 – 5:30 pm – Hampton Inn by Hilton, Sydney

Wednesday, January 11 –  12:00 pm – Claymore Inn & Suites, Antigonish

Wednesday, January 11 – 5:30 pm – Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Centre, Truro

Friday, January 13 –  12:00 pm – Best Western Plus Dartmouth Hotel & Suites

Monday, January 16 – 12:00 pm – Rodd Grand Yarmouth Hotel, Yarmouth

Thursday, January 19 – 12:00 pm – Best Western Plus Dartmouth Hotel & Suites

RSVP by Friday, January 6 to kmorrison@cans.ns.ca

How the Emerging Building Method Is Gaining Ground in Construction

With the planned 1800 Terry building in Seattle, Kirkland WA-based Seawest Investment Associates is gunning for the first urban high rise project to be awarded a priority green building permit from the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections. Read more

Automated Vehicles to Drive New Infrastructure

The dawn of a new era of automated vehicles (AVs) will introduce new levels of complexity and unpredictability to the transportation systems of the developed world, says Toronto-based systems engineer Bern Grush of Grush Niles Strategic.Read more

6 Ways Integrated Project Delivery Boosts Results and Cuts Costs in Construction

Construction companies constantly seek ways to improve project efficiencies and avoid cost and schedule overruns. Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a proven, highly effective approach for reducing construction inefficiencies, labor and extra costs while boosting project outcomes. Read more.

CANS Holiday Office Closure

CANS office will be closed for the holidays on Friday, December 23 at 2 pm, reopening on Tuesday, January 3 at 8:30 am. Have a wonderful holiday!

From Daily Stats NS – Building Permits, October 2016

The value of building permits issued in Nova Scotia increased by 27.2 per cent in October, following a decrease of 26.0 per cent in September. Residential permit values rose by 36.0 per cent while non-residential values increased by 8.8 per cent.  Compared with October 2015, NS building permits were up 5.5 per cent with an increase in residential permit values of 31.0 per cent offsetting a decrease in non-residential values of 30.0 per cent.  Although monthly results for building permits are highly volatile, permit values have shown a generally flat trend in 2016 after declining through much of 2015. Read more.

Why supply chain managers should care about Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan

A widening infrastructure funding gap forces the costs of basic maintenance upon supply chains while stifling the country’s competitiveness. Read more.