Staffing, Retention an Ongoing Employer Challenge, Hays Finds

Employers in the construction sector continue to have difficulty with staffing and retention, indicate the findings of a recent Hays Canada report. Read more

Holiday Office Closure

PLEASE NOTE: CANS offices in Dartmouth & Sydney will be closed Monday, February 20, 2017 to observe the statuatory holiday. The office will reopen Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 8 am.

Invisible Factors Impact Post-injury Return to Work Timing

It used to be that bio-medical — physical — factors were thought to be the only variables which impacted the timing and condition of an injured person’s return to work. However, it is being increasingly recognized that other invisible factors — social and psychological — can be important too. Read more

BuildForce Canada Releases 2017 Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward Highlights Reports

BuildForce Canada’s annual Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward forecasts offer a 10-year scenario of workforce supply and demand by trade, province and region. These forecasts help industry, training providers and government decision makers manage workforce requirements. Read more

Energy Use in the Canadian Construction Industry

The Canadian Industrial Energy End-Use Data and Analysis Centre (CIEEDAC) has published a fact sheet and a report on the energy use in the Canadian construction industry 1990 – 2015.Read more

ACEC, CCA Submit Pre-budget Wish Lists to Feds

Two of Canada’s most influential construction stakeholders offered policy direction combined with specific recommendations for legislative reform as the federal government invited submissions as part of its budget 2017 consultation process. Read more.

Office Closure – February 16, 2017

Due to weather, CANS offices in Dartmouth & Sydney will delay opening on Thursday, February 16, 2017 until 10 am.

The Dotted Line: How training programs can ‘fund the future’ of a skilled workforce

Companies are taking the initiative to offer training and development options for their workers: read more. CANS’ award-winning Industry Education & Training program provides valuable training opportunities for career development, skill building, and enhancement designed specifically for the construction industry. Contact us to learn more.

Nova Scotia’s construction industry to face challenges as 8,000 workers set to retire over next 10 years

The loss of those workers combined with fewer young people available to fill the vacant spots will make it difficult to maintain a skilled workforce of sufficient size, says a spokeswoman for BuildForce Canada. Read more.

World’s First 3D-printed Pedestrian Bridge Pops up in Madrid

Inaugurated December 14 in the park of Castilla-La Mancha in Alcobendas, just south of Madrid in Spain, the 40-foot-long is made up of eight parts, each one comprising layers of fused concrete powder micro-reinforced with thermoplastic polypropylene. Read more