50% Off All CANS Education & Training Courses – Eligibility Form

CANS Education is proud to have partnered with the Province of Nova Scotia’s Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration (LSI) Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI) Program to provide our eligible CANS members with a 50% discount on all CANS Education Programs (some exclusions may apply). Not only does this initiative save you money — it will help you stretch your training budget further, ultimately strengthening your team and ability to compete in an increasingly competitive market.

For example, Project Management Fundamentals Course:

  • Course Catalogue Member Price – $600.00*
  • WIPSI Eligible Member Price – $300.00*

*NOTE: Amounts listed are demonstrative and are not representative of current pricing.

This is made possible through our strong partnership with the Province of Nova Scotia’s WIPSI program.

To determine if your company is eligible please fill out this form and return to CANS contact below.


What is required to determine eligibility?

A company representative must complete all areas of the Business Information Form and submit to one of CANS Education team (see below for contact info).

Key items required for eligibility:

  • Company is located in Nova Scotia
  • Company has an active status in the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stocks
  • Company has been in existence for more than one calendar year
  • Company generates at least 30% of revenue from commercial activity*
    • *If your company is not yet generating revenue, you may be eligible for funding if you are in a LSI identified priority sector.

If my company is eligible does this mean all employees are eligible?

No, only employees who are permanent residents of Nova Scotia can be eligible for the discount.

What is required from my company once we complete the Business Information Form and are considered eligible?

The attendee participating in the course is required to fill out the following:

  • Start of Training – Sign in Sheet
  • Completion of Training – Trainee Declaration Form
  • End of Training Season – Company must complete 1 WIPSI survey

Cancellation & Payment

Please note the following guidelines for payment.

  • The invoice must be paid prior to the course start date.
  • If the attendee is absent without notice or cancels after the 10 business day cancellation policy deadline, the company will be responsible to pay the full amount of the course (this includes the discounted 50%).

Enroll in CANS Education

Browse our current courses, click here to view CANS Education Course Catalogue. If you need private or customized training, we can work with you to build a program that specifically meets your firm’s needs. Contact our CANS Education team for more information.


For more information, please contact:

Kerri Miller
Program Manager, Education & Training
(902) 468-2267 ext 712