Entries by CANS

Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Council Review

CANS president, Duncan Williams, received a letter from Deputy Minister, Duff Montgomerie, expressing his appreciation for CANS’s input during the governance and operational review of the Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Council. The review conducted by Royer Thompson has helped the department identify ways to focus the Council in providing the best strategic advice to […]

CANS Holiday Office Closure

Please Note: CANS office will be closed on Monday, August 1 reopening on Tuesday, August 2 at 8:30 am to observe the Natal Day Holiday. CANS Members are advised to plan accordingly.

WELL Building Standard Means Designing for Human Health

The WELL Building Standard combines best practices in design and construction with evidence-based medical and scientific research and harnessing the built environment as a means of supporting the health and well-being of those who work in the building. It is an independently verified, performance-based system for measuring, certifying and monitoring the features of the built […]

The Role of Wearable Technology in Risk Reduction

An assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech has studied much of the existing literature and identified various problems in the industry’s current practices. Young-Corbett explores a new field of engineering known as Prevention through Design, which suggests the optimal method of preventing occupational illnesses, injuries and fatalities is to “design out” […]

Have Your Say on Canada’s Infrastructure Plan

The Government of Canada is investing $120 billion over the next 10 years to build strong, inclusive and sustainable communities and they want to hear from you. Phase 1 is already underway, and now the Government of Canada is inviting you to share your views on Phase 2 of Canada’s infrastructure plan. Visit infraconsults.ca to provide your feedback in […]