Entries by CANS

What Could Adjudication Look Like Under Lien Act Reform?

Dispute resolution and adjudication are a major part of Ontario’s Construction Lien Act Review process and were a key topic of discussion by a panel of experts at an educational session entitled Proposed Changes to the Construction Lien Act: Implications for the Industry, hosted by Gowling WLG recently. Read more

National Industry Leaders Applaud Trudeau’s Pipeline Vision

“It is positive in a number of ways,” said CCA chair Gilbert Brulotte. “The government has shown its vision in terms of looking ahead and trying to balance what’s right for the economy and what is best for the environment. I think they looked at the projects on their own merit.” He noted that some […]

eBook: Drones in Construction

Thinking about adding drones to your construction site? You have a lot to consider: safety, drone investments, regulatory requirements and more. Download the complete guide to launching your program.

“Hitting the Target – Building a Lean Culture” Conference May 4 – 5; Registration to Open January 16

Lean Construction Institute of Canada’s (LCI-C) conference and training day will take place May 3 – 5, 2017 in Toronto. This year’s conference theme is “Hitting the Target – Building a Lean Culture”. Lean principles are rapidly demonstrating their ability to deliver value, enhance productivity, and ultimately help stakeholders “hit the target” in the design […]