Entries by CANS

Indigenous Engagement Guide Now Available

CCA commissioned this guide to help the construction industry engage more effectively with Indigenous companies and communities in Canada. The guide was researched and written by Indigenous Works (formerly the Aboriginal Human Resource Council), an ISO-certified organization that helps companies increase indigenous workplace performance and build successful engagements and relationships with Indigenous people, businesses and […]

HRM given authority to vary commercial tax rates

Almost a year since Halifax Regional Council passed a motion to ask the provincial government for greater authority in setting commercial tax rates, legislation has been introduced to give them that power.The provincial government introduced legislation Tuesday to allow the municipality to set different rates in designated zones. Read more.

2017 NS Construction Guide – Update your Company Listing & Advertising Opportunities

Update Your Company Listing – Member company listings for the 2017 NS Construction Guide are pulled from CANSnet (www.cans.ns.ca). Have your Profile Administrator verify your company information is correct before 12 noon on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 so it will appear properly in the printed NS Construction Guide. Advertise – There are many opportunities to advertise in the NS Construction Guide. […]

Intel Launches Industrial Drone

Intel’s move to enter the game signifies that established technology manufacturers recognize the market potential for drone deployment, pegged at $127 billion by PwC, with infrastructure and construction representing the largest global drone market. Read more