Entries by CANS

ACEC, CCA Submit Pre-budget Wish Lists to Feds

Two of Canada’s most influential construction stakeholders offered policy direction combined with specific recommendations for legislative reform as the federal government invited submissions as part of its budget 2017 consultation process. Read more.

Will the World’s Next Megacity Drip out of a 3D Printer?

Cazza, a Dubai-based start-up, has designed a 3D-printing crane dubbed the “Minitank”, which the company says can layer up to 2,153 square feet (200 sqm) of concrete per day — making it more than 50% faster than conventional construction methods. Read more

Alberta’s Construction Industry Is Opening up about Mental Health

Louise Chénier, manager of workplace health and wellness research at the Conference Board, says 78 per cent of the short-term and 67 per cent of the long-term disability claims in the country are tied to mental health issues. On average, 500,000 Canadians will miss work every week due to mental illness. The greatest challenge in […]