Entries by CANS

Construction Not Part of Budget Innovation Push

CCInnovations president Pierre Boucher remains optimistic that the government will commit to transforming the industry, despite the fact construction innovation was not specifically highlighted in the March 22 federal budget. Read more.

Russian Startup Company Renca Recycles Industrial Waste Into 3D Printable Cement

Russian construction company Renca, has developed an eco-friendly cement for 3D printing. According to the manufacturers, production of the material, known as géobéton (geoconcrete or geocement), reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 90% when compared to the traditional mode of making cement. By using recycled materials, the material also creates at least 60% less impact on the […]

Workers and Marijuana: What Builders Need to Know

The obligation of employers to ensure safety at workplaces such as construction jobsites has not changed despite increased use of medical marijuana and its possible legalization by the federal Liberal government, says a legal expert active in the field. Read more.

Federal Phase 1 Infrastructure Dollars Go Unspent.

Pundits who have been complaining that federal phase 1 infrastructure spending promised in the 2016 budget has not worked its way through the system were largely right. The budget document released by Finance Minister Bill Morneau on March 22 revealed that only 50 to 75 per cent of infrastructure allocations from Budget 2016 have been spent. […]

2017 Federal Budget Light on Infrastructure Bank Details.

Industry stakeholders were hoping for news on the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) in the 2017 federal budget but what they got instead is a commitment that it will be up and running later this year and that more will be announced in the coming months. Read more.

More Learning Opportunities for NS High School Students

More high school students will have access to hands-on learning opportunities to help them prepare for careers with the expansion of Skilled Trades Centres. Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Karen Casey announced today, April 3, that seven additional high schools will benefit from the centres. Read more.

BCCSA’s silica mitigation app nears finish line

Members of the Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) Civil Infrastructure Council (CIC) were given a demonstration of the British Columbia Construction Safety Alliance’s (BCCSA) mobile silica exposure mitigation application on March 18. The application will be released at the end of the month for B.C. safety regulators. Read more.