Entries by CANS

In Memoriam – Past President of CANS, Leslie Reuben White

Les White of Fundy Construction passed away on Friday, April 28, 2017. Les served as President in 1983. To view his obituary, click HERE. Fundy Construction (Halifax, Nova Scotia) itself has had a long tradition of involvement and support for the Construction Association of Nova Scotia. Six individuals from the company served as president — A.S. […]

Labour Board of Nova Scotia seeking members with construction experience

The Labour Board is seeking new labour and management members with construction experience. Most Trade Union Act (“TUA”) matters require a full panel (chair, labour representative, and management representative) under Part II of the TUA. Experienced members bring a valued perspective to Board matters and thus it is essential that the Board has a roster of […]

Nova Scotia Provincial Budget 2017-2018 – Impact on Construction Industry

Nova Scotia Provincial Budget 2017-2018 – Impact on Construction Industry Dear CANS member, On Thursday, April 27, the government of Nova Scotia released its 2017-2018 budget. There are a number of good news announcements for our industry:   Labour and Education As part of the 2017-2018 budget, government announced an additional $2 million investment in […]

CANS Government Relations update – Builders’ Lien and OHS

On your behalf, we have been working hard to build relationships with all levels of government, ensuring we are at the table and part of the decision making process on public policy and issues that affect the construction industry. CANS and the industry has long supported the Province of Nova Scotia and worked with various […]

Amendments to the Builders’ Lien Act

NEWS RELEASE                                                                                           For Immediate Release Construction Association of Nova Scotia pleased with the Province of Nova Scotia’s decision to apply all three recommended amendments to the Builders’ Lien Act. Halifax, NS – (04/27/2017) The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) is pleased with the Province of Nova Scotia’s decision to include all three industry recommended […]

Day of Mourning – April 28, 2017

On April 28, Nova Scotia joins the rest of Canada and more than 80 countries worldwide to remember those who died, were injured or became ill at work. The Day of Mourning offers employees and employers the opportunity to publicly renew their commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace. Day of Mourning Story: Glenn […]

Kelsey Ramsden on Future Proofing the Construction Industry

Kelsey Ramsden is a contractor, public speaker and entrepreneur. She spoke at the Canadian Construction Association’s 99th annual conference, held recently in Mexico. Ramsden, who was named Canada’s top female entrepreneur twice by Profit magazine, explained that future proofing one’s business means concentrating on the aspects one excels at, rather than trying to excel at everything. […]