Entries by CANS

Construction Productivity Expert Series Webcasts

Construction Productivity Expert Series Webcasts: Investing in human capital to drive productivity Measuring productivity in the construction industry: challenges, opportunities and dead ends Risk management for project managers

Prompt Payment: Reporting Payments to Prime Contractors

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and Defence Construction Canada (DCC) announced June 8, 2017 that they will both begin publicly disclosing payments to prime contractors on their construction contracts valued at over $100,000. PSPC news release See payments on PSPC’s website See payments on DCC’s website

OHS Act Amendments Take Effect June 12, 2017

In April 2016, government introduced and passed Amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act to help keep Nova Scotians safe at work. Most employers in Nova Scotia operate safe workplaces. However, there are some who repeatedly break serious health and safety rules, putting Nova Scotians at risk of serious injury or death. The amendments […]

Smart buildings market prepares to take off

One critical factor in the proliferation of smart buildings is how security is handled. Connecting a building’s systems to the internet makes the structure and its occupants vulnerable to a new host of threats. A new Market Research report notes that managing cybersecurity threats is critical to encouraging owners and the general public to continue […]

When design is deadly: How projects are built with bird safety in mind

In 2010, when the Empire State Development Corporation decided to embark on a $463 million renovation of New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Center, the group tasked the project architects and engineers with adding square footage and renovating the entire facility so that it was energy efficient. Read more.  

Ontario’s Construction Lien Act Reform Legislation Unveiled

Ontario Attorney General Yasir Naqvi introduced legislation this afternoon (May 31) that would, if passed, modernize the lien and holdback process, introduce rules to ensure Ontario construction workers get paid more promptly and make the dispute resolution process faster and simpler. Read more.

Infrastructure investments announced for College of the North Atlantic

The Honourable Gerry Byrne, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour, and Gudie Hutchings, Member of Parliament for Long Range Mountains, were joined by Elizabeth Kidd, Interim President and CEO of College of the North Atlantic, and MHA for Stephenville – Port au Port, John Finn, in Stephenville today to announce $6.8 million in infrastructure […]