Entries by CANS

Nova Scotia Provincial Election

In this Provincial Election, the Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) will play an active role, ensuring that the issues important to our members and the industry are top of mind for all candidates. Learn about CANS’ involvement and issues facing the construction industry. Read more.

Lean Construction – More Than Common Sense

Lean is far from the novel concept it was back in the ‘50s when Toyota first popularized it. Yet, here we are in 2017, and a new lean event, whitepaper, seminar, book, association, or video seems to pop up everyday. Read more.

Manufacturing Is Shifting the Future of Construction

The future of design and construction is about finding efficiencies and building a faster, cheaper and better quality product. Design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) incorporates all those elements under one roof, stated several industry experts during a recent presentation on the future of modular construction. Read more.

Video: Bullying and Harassment in Construction

This video weaves together personal testimonials from workers, supervisors, and business leaders with scenes from our bullying and harassment in construction series, created by WorkSafeBC in partnership with the BC Building Trades and Construction Labour Relations Association of BC. Watch now.