Entries by CANS

2018-2019 Federal Budget Highlights – Impact to the Construction

Apprenticeship / Women in Construction              $65.9 million in targeted grants and commitments to apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs have been announced for over the next five years. $19.9 million over the next 5 years has been earmarked to pilot an ‘Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women,’ resulting in increased support for women in red seal trades. Women in […]

Delayed Payment – Survey Results & Comparison

Late payment practices are an important issue for Nova Scotia’s construction industry and CANS has been lobbying the provincial government to enact appropriate payment legislation that would establish minimum norms for payment schedules. In an effort to substantiate our assumptions, CANS surveyed members in June 2015, December 2016, and again in February 2018 to solicit their […]

‘Superdense’ wood could revolutionize materials

A homebuilder once told me Canadians are “the greatest stick-builders in the world.” It’s a good line, and understandable coming from a homebuilder. After all, most Canadian homes are built primarily of wood. Wood is probably the oldest building material in the world unless you count rocks and sod. What’s most amazing to me, is that after thousands […]

This robot tracks construction progress while the crew is home sleeping

Tracking progress on any jobsite is extremely important for your schedule and budget.  But, as the project grows larger, tracking progress becomes that much more difficult.  How do you accurately determine the percentage of work that the subcontractors have completed across 10 stories and hundreds of thousands of square feet? Read more.  

New Infrastructure funding sources step up in Canada

A shrinking budget deficit is usually good news, but a drop in federal debt in Canada is raising concerns over delays in government efforts to funnel infrastructure money into projects. The country’s federal deficit is poised to drop by $1.1 billion, mainly due to government delays in keeping up with ambitious infrastructure spending pledges, says […]

Daily Stats: Investment in New Housing Construction

Investment in new housing construction in Nova Scotia (current dollars, unadjusted for seasonality) decreased 9.2 per cent in December 2017 compared to December 2016 to $60.9 million. Investment in new single-detached units decreased by 19.4 per cent to $33.5 million, while investment in apartment units increased by 18.7 per cent to $22.7 million. The relatively smaller semi-detached segment was down 37.1 per cent […]

Daily Stats: Nova Scotia Population Estimates by County

Statistics Canada has released estimates of the population by county as of July 1, 2017.  Provincial population estimates for July 1, 2017 were released in September and updated to October 1 in December.  These population estimates should not be confused with Census counts.  Estimates of the population adjust for net undercoverage from the Census as well as incompletely enumerated Indian […]