Entries by CANS

COVID-19: NS announces second COVID-19 related death

Nova Scotia has recorded its second death related to COVID-19. On Wednesday, April 8, a woman in her 90s with underlying medical conditions died in the Cape Breton Regional Hospital as a result of complications related to COVID-19. Read the full statement released by the Government of Nova Scotia on April 9, 2020.  A reminder, recordings […]

Honourary Life Member – Call for Nominations

Through the designation of Honourary Life Membership, CANS wishes to honour individuals who, through their deeds and actions, have significantly contributed to the betterment of the Association and/or the industry and attainment of its goals and visions.

COVID-19: LAE – Conciliation and Mediation Services (CMS) shares COVID-19 Operation Protocols

Conciliation and Mediation Services (CMS) continues to carefully monitor the public health advice regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health risk. At present, CMS is operating remotely in alignment with the Province’s advice and our community responsibility to practice social distancing to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. For details of CMS COVID-19 protocols, click here.

COVID-19: NSAA – Tips for trades workers during COVID-19

Are you still working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic? First and foremost, it is essential that those working must adhere to public health advisories. For further advice, the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency has issued tips to trades workers for staying safe while at work. Click here to access Tips For Staying Safe While Working At Your […]

COVID-19: Fact sheet from the province – working during COVID-19

Employers and employees need to take steps to help staff and clients stay healthy and prevent spread of COVID-19. You should also know what to do if you have safety concerns. To that end, the province has created a helpful fact sheet on “working during COVID-19” Click here to access the “Working During COVID-19” fact sheet. Wondering […]

COVID-19: Industry receives clarification from the province of Nova Scotia

On Tuesday, April 7, 2020, Deputy Minister Duff Montgomery, Department of Labour and Advanced Education issued a letter to CANS offering clarification on a number of industry questions related to COVID-19 emergency measures. The letter provides a response from Dr. Strang’s Public Health team and Deputy Minister Duff Montgomery’s team at LAE regarding the appropriate […]