Entries by CANS

Save the Date for these Upcoming CANS Events!

We’re looking forward to when we can safely reconnect with you in person! We’re working hard to plan these upcoming CANS Events. We will likely have to make adjustments based on recommendations from public health, but this will not reduce the quality and calibre of events that you, our members, have come to expect!

Have your say at CANS Virtual Town Hall Thursday on June 4

Help us plot the course of our organization for the next three years! CANS is wrapping up our series of strategic planning sessions via a virtual town hall on Friday, June 4, 2020. Join us to provide your input on topics important to your business and the construction industry.

CANS 2020 Golf Tournament – New Date!

NEW DATE! As public health restrictions are beginning to relax, we’re looking forward to our next chance to get together with you safely! We’re working hard to bring you our annual golf tournament and are pleased to announce that we’ll be back on the greens this summer!