Entries by CANS

CANS Developing Executives Committee – Call for Applications

CANS Developing Executives (D.E.) Committee is looking for a new member! Established in 2001, the CANS D.E. Committee provides a venue for new employees of CANS member companies to network and become more involved in the construction industry by hosting five to six annual networking events and initiatives.

CANS Industry Trend Session – Smarter Spaces Presents “Planning to Re-Open?”

Your doors are opened or opening to the public. Are you ready for physical distancing within your space? Here at Smarter Spaces we are aware of the challenges that businesses will face. Using our existing technologies to provide a “birds eye view” in conjunction with our Emergency Planning expertise, we are able to help you plan out your space. With a plan in place, we can help you maximize the number of people that can use your space safely.

COVID-19: Nova Scotia at A Glance

Cases of COVID-19 As of July 7, Nova Scotia has four active cases of COVID-19. No new cases were identified on July 6. All told, the province has reported 1,065confirmed cases of the virus. Read the full release from the Province here. New Gathering Limits Announced The new gathering limits are now in effect.  If a recognized […]

Funding Reminder for Apprentices from the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA)

Apprentices are reminded of the financial support available through the Canada Apprentice Loan. The Canada Apprentice Loan is a federal initiative to help you complete your apprenticeship in a designated Red Seal trade. With the Canada Apprentice Loan, an apprentice can receive up to $4,000 in interest-free loans per level of technical training.

CANS Office Reopens June 24 & Update from CANS Projects & Documents Services

We’ve missed you! CANS is excited to reopen our doors and offer you the Projects & Documents services we had to suspend in March due to the global pandemic. As of today, Wednesday, June 24, CANS Dartmouth office has reopened to our membership and will resume offering the following in-person services: print orders, the sale of CCDC & CCA Standard Documents, and the signing of Statutory Declarations.