Entries by CANS

CANS 2015 Delayed Payment Survey Results

Late payment practices are an important issue for Nova Scotia’s construction industry and CANS has been lobbying the provincial government to enact appropriate payment legislation that would establish minimum norms for payment schedules. In an effort to substantiate our assumptions, CANS surveyed members to solicit their feedback and help guide us on their behalf. View CANS Delayed Payment […]

CANS 2015-16 Industry Education & Training Calendar – Available Online!

CANS’ Industry Education and Training program, which provides valuable training opportunities for career development, skill building and enhancement, is designed specifically for the construction industry. Partnering with industry experts, the Industry Education and Training program offers a comprehensive range of continuing education courses to our members and industry partners. View the 2015-2016 Industry Education & […]

Think Differently Today

As spring finally arrives, construction starts to kick into high gear. Today, I ask that you think a little differently about the people you see with hard hats, safety vests and steel-toed boots. You may be delayed because of construction, but think about this: these hard working professionals are the people who build the highways that […]

The legality of municipal blacklists

The Blacklist is a popular program on television, but in the world of Canadian construction contracts, some municipalities are creating their own real-life blacklists. Read more.

3D Building Models Help Bring Sustainability into Construction

For years, construction was an analogue world: bricks and mortar; pen and paper. Buildings were designed and planned using traditional two-dimensional drawings, with errors or miscalculations sometimes only discovered once the structure was already forming on the ground. But thanks to advances in digital technology, the days of poring over crumpled rolls of complex blueprints […]

Atlantic Trade Advisory Committees application request: Construction Electrician; Industrial Electrician; Carpenter

Request for applications (one employer and one employee Nova Scotia representative) for three Atlantic Trades Advisory Committees under the Atlantic Apprenticeship Harmonization Project: one for the Construction Electrician trade; one for the Industrial Electrician trade; and one for the Carpenter trade. Refer to the Terms of Reference for eligibility criteria.  For example, Employee representatives must […]