Entries by Alison Clack

Safety: It’s Also Good for Business

As an industry, our discussion on health and safety issues focusses mainly on the impact of the wellbeing of people on our jobsites. But there’s a business case to be made for health and safety as well.  Here are ten reasons why you need to buy into health and safety. Read more. Safety Apps It’s […]

Workers Encouraged to Stay Hydrated

B.C. is in the midst of a record-breaking heat wave and while many are hitting the beaches and camping, construction crews are on the jobsite. Hard work in the hot sun can be more than unpleasant – it can be dangerous. Read more.

Tapping into Kids’ Passion for Minecraft in the Classroom

Even young children can quickly progress from building a simple survival hut to creating impressive structures. For instance, the year three girls in a research project called Serious Play rebuilt their school in Minecraft. To achieve this they had to use a range of design, maths, art and geography skills. Read more.

Save the Date: Apprenticeship Symposium

Join CAF-FCA for a two-day symposium on October 22 & 23 at the Delta Ottawa City Centre in Ottawa.  CAF-FCA will host roundtable sessions and face-to-face networking opportunities as we share new research findings on the hottest topics in apprenticeship: demand for skilled tradespeople and the mobility of apprentices. To receive event updates, contact info@caf-fca.org. […]