Entries by Alison Clack

Urgently needed: People to resolve construction disputes

CanDACC is looking for a diverse group of construction professionals who would like to work part-time as adjudicators. Engineers, project managers, architects, quantity surveyors, lawyers and others who have at least 10 years of construction experience and have an interest in adjudication may apply. 

Public input wanted on Province’s proposed building code amendments

Nova Scotians are invited to provide written comments on proposed amendments to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations. The proposed changes to the regulations were released on August 14. The amendments are needed to adopt the national codes as the new minimum standards for construction in the province. The deadline for public comments is Friday, September 29.

Share your input! Province seeks feedback on proposed accessibility standard for buildings, outdoor spaces

Nova Scotia is developing its first accessibility standard with the goal of addressing barriers to accessibility in buildings and outdoor spaces.

This public review will ensure Nova Scotians have opportunities to share feedback on the proposed standard work. The Accessibility Act requires the involvement of persons with disabilities, the public and private sectors, and other community members in the development of accessibility standards.