Statistics — Highlights from “Building Permits, April 2021”
Highlights for Nova Scotia building permits from April 2021. Month over month and year to date stats included.
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But we are proud to say that Alison Clack contributed 785 entries already.
Highlights for Nova Scotia building permits from April 2021. Month over month and year to date stats included.
Announced June 2, 2021, schools across Nova Scotia will get retrofits, repairs and upgrades with more than $25 million in funding from the federal and provincial governments.
*Available until June 11* The Halifax Regional Municipality is conducting a survey to collect information on how and where regulatory red tape is impacting businesses, whether that be through administrative or compliance obligations that may add unnecessary cost or burden to business owners.
The 12,000-square-foot, climate-controlled warehouse will serve as a storage space for Health PEI’s pandemic readiness supplies. That will include personal protective equipment such as gloves, gowns and masks, as well as wipes, sanitizers, syringes and bedding
Updates on CANS offie closure; Nova Scotia’s Reopening Plan; Overview of current restrictions; Testing & Vaccinations; Paid Sick Leave and more.
CANS Members, a physical copy of Construction Pulse has been mailed to your company’s Profile Administrator and should be arriving in their mailbox over the course of the next week. If you would like your own copy, please email
Out of an abundance of caution due to COVID case numbers, CANS office will remain closed to members the week of May 31, while still offering CANS services remotely/virtually. Staff who have most recently been working in the office will remain working from home.
HRM has announced their new, online Right-of Way Permit through HRM’s Permitting, Planning, Licensing & Compliance (PPL&C) Solution will go-live on June 1, 2021.