Author Archive for: aclack
About Alison Clack
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Entries by Alison Clack
Statistics: Active Businesses in Nova Scotia Increased 0.2% from February to March 2021
/in front/by Alison ClackStatistics Canada released updated data on monthly business openings and closures for March 2021.
Statistics — NS Construction Industry had 5.9% Job Vacancy Rate (April 2021)
/in front/by Alison ClackNova Scotia had 13,565 job vacancies in April 2021 with a vacancy rate of 3.4%. Canadian employers were actively recruiting for 682,835 positions (not seasonally adjusted) in April with a vacancy rate of 4.3%. The highest vacancy rates were reported in Quebec (5.4%) and Prince Edward Island (4.7%). Newfoundland and Labrador recorded the lowest vacancy rate at 3.0%.
COVID-19 Update for CANS Members – June 29, 2021
/in front/by Alison ClackNova Scotia Enters Phase Three; Travel to NS from Within Canada Open; Vaccination Updates; Regular Testing Reminder
Statistics — NS Payroll Employment Up 15.1% Over Last Year (April 2021)
/in front/by Alison ClackWith April reference month results, year-over-year (Apr 2021 vs Apr 2020) and year-to-date (Jan-Apr 21 vs Jan-Apr 20) are beginning to show the rebounds in economic activity from the unprecedented declines observed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find payroll and weekly earning highlights from April 2021.
CANSnet Preview: Port Morien Wastewater Collection Project
/in front/by Alison ClackIn 2019, CBRM began exploring possible treatment plants in Glace Bay and Port Morien, along with Battery Point disinfection system upgrades. This is in keeping with federal wastewater regulations, which dictate that effluent emptying into waterways must be treated by 2020. Government funding has since been secured and plans confirmed for new sewage treatment plants in Glace Bay and Port Morien.
News — CBC Information Morning Explores How Building Futures for Youth Aims to Alleviate Construction Labour Shortage
/in front/by Alison ClackInformation Morning Cape Breton with Steve Sutherland chats with two participants from the Building Futures for Youth program, which is aimed at getting more young people into the construction and trades sector.
Notice — Province Seeking Members for Accessibility Standards Committee
/in front/by Alison ClackThe Province is inviting Nova Scotians to help develop employment accessibility standards, the next phase in work toward the province’s goal of making Nova Scotia accessible by 2030. Interested parties can apply to be part of the Employment Standard Development Committee.
News — Diverse Workforce Key in Solving Labour Shortage
/in front/by Alison ClackCANS President & CEO, Duncan Williams speaks to CBC about the industry’s workforce development needs and how the Building Futures for Youth program aims to help alleviate the future labour market shortage.
COVID-19 Update for CANS Members – June 15, 2021
/in front/by Alison ClackNova Scotia Enters Phase Two; Webinar on Mandatory Vaccination Policy; Atlantic Border Reopening; CANS Office Updates.