Entries by Alison Clack

COVID-19 Update for CANS Members – March 21, 2022

CANS is pleased to welcome our members into our office for CANS Projects & Documents services! Members have access to our in-person services including, print orders, the sale of CCDC & CCA Standard Documents, and the signing of Statutory Declarations. Please note that we are still offering our virtual Statutory Declaration service.

Notice // TANS – Surcharge

Effective 12:01am March 8, 2022 the Fuel Surcharge will be set at 42.0% for all TANS dispatched trucks paid by the tn/km, cm/km or hourly rate. It is also in effect for all Contractors trucks, or Contractor designed trucks, paid by the tn/km or cm/km.

Safety Bulletin: Guardrails – March 7, 2022

Pursuant to subsection 21.5(3) of the Nova Scotia Workplace Health and Safety Regulations, guardrails are required where “there is a risk of falling at a doorway or the opening of a building floor, roof, walls or shaft.”

Release // Letter from CANS on Price Volatility

CANS wishes to bring an important issue to your attention with a request that you consider our solutions as presented and/or collaborate with us to identify additional options. The issue of concern is the requirement of owners of bidders to hold pricing for a specified number of days from date of submission of a bid without a fixed award date that reflects our current economic realities outlined in this letter.

Resource // CCDC Document Webinar to Review CCDC 40, March 24

On March 24, the Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) is hosting a webinar focusing on the CCDC 40 – 2018 Rules for Mediation and Arbitration of Construction Industry Disputes. Attendees will learn dispute resolution rules specific to construction disputes from experienced construction counsel.