We are always looking to better serve you, our members, and so we have developed this helpful Frequently Asked Questions list to help you get the answers you need.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us for more information on who at CANS may be able to help you.

Have general feedback you’d like to share? Email us at cans@cans.ns.ca.

**Click on each heading below to go to a page with answers for each section**


Does CANS distribute or sell its membership list?
How can I get involved?
How do I update my member listing?
What is a profile administrator and how do I find out who it is?
My company is already a member of CANS, how can I create a CANSnet user login?
How do I make a credit card payment on CANSnet?
How do I subscribe or unsubscribe from CANS marketing emails?


How do I register for an event?
Who can attend?
What sponsorship opportunities are available?


How do I become a member?
What is the difference between a Full and Associate member?
My company is not a construction company can I still be a member?
What advertising opportunities does CANS offer?
How can I become CANS Advantage partner?


How to register for a course?
What is Gold Seal?


How can I view project specifications and drawings online?
How can I download a zipped folder of documents and drawings from CANSnet?
How can I add myself as a Plan Taker for a project?
How can I add myself as a Watcher on a project?
How can I see the projects I am watching on My CANSnet?
Why can’t I print tender forms from CANSnet?