CANS Role in Building Futures for Youth

CANS acts as the community host for the Building Futures for Youth program. CANS’ responsibilities include:

  • Provides program coordinator to supervise and coordinate all aspects of the program
  • Creates pre-screening materials
  • Delivers presentations on the program to teachers, administrators, guidance, students and their families
  • Conducts interviews in partnership with local school boards and industry
  • Creates ‘profiles’ for students and employers
  • Identify placements within the industry, which includes pre-screening employers, liaising with relevant Union representatives and NS Construction Labour Relations Association, and facilitating effective matches between employer and student
  • Delivers Risk Management/Orientation session to those students enrolled in the program and their families
  • Develops and provides logbooks in order for students to document their training and work experience
  • Creates and administers training and program evaluations to students and employers
  • Administers safety benchmark to students during their training at NSCC and again at the end of their work placement
  • Provides mentorship training for journeypersons from participating employers
  • Acts as a liaison between the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Industry to promote the Cooperative Education program
  • Issues a Certificate of Participation to students who successfully complete the program
  • Hosts an ‘end of summer’ celebration for employers, supervisors, mentors, pre-apprentices and teachers
  • Participates in annual evaluation of program – feedback from all partners, follow-up with students
  • Expansion and maintenance of ‘Building Futures’ website
  • Distributes information/promotion packages to schools, students, parents and employers
  • Develop a timeline/workplan, in consultation with BFY working group

Please visit for a detailed program description.

For more information:

Adam Gilbert
Building Futures for Youth Program Lead
T: 902-468-2267
C: 902-809-2297

Tanya Reddick Clayton
Building Futures for Youth Program Lead
T: 902-468-2267
C: 902-456-6444