Update for the week of January 3, 2022 –

CANS staff will continue to work from home, offering members our services remotely.

During this time, CANS office, including access to the Business Centre and board rooms, will be closed to CANS staff, members, and visitors. We will re-evaluate at the end of this week.

All CANS staff are able provide services remotely however, please note there may be delays in the services we provide but we will keep any issues to a minimum.

CANS Projects & Documents Services

CANS Tender Library remains active and accessible to members 24/7. Note the following adjustments to CANS Projects & Documents Services:

  • Print Orders
    For all print orders, contact Lesley Whynot for more information at 902-880-6046 or email lwhynot@cans.ns.ca
  • CCDC & CCA Standard Documents
    CCDC & CCA Standard Documents can be purchased online or via phone. Documents are not available for pickup; they will be mailed to you. Please contact Lesley Whynot for more information at 902-880-6046 or email lwhynot@cans.ns.ca
  • Statutory Declarations
    All Commissioner of Oaths services for the signing of Statutory Declarations will be completed virtually. To book your virtual appointment, contact Lesley Whynot for more information at 902-880-6046 or email lwhynot@cans.ns.ca
Current Provincial COVID Restrictions

On December 22, the NS provincial government strengthened restrictions around masking, gatherings and physical distancing to protect the healthcare system and other critical workforces from the threat of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. These new restrictions took effect on Wednesday, December 22 at 6:00 a.m. Click here for more information.

Provincial Funding Support for Businesses

The Sector Impact Support Program provides a one-time grant of up to $7,500 to help small business owners that have been impacted by the new province-wide public health restrictions. Applications will open early January 2022.

Nova Scotians who need to take time off work because of COVID-19 may qualify for up to four paid sick days through the COVID-19 Sick Leave Program. More details to come.

Federal Funding Support for Businesses

On December 22, the federal government announced an expansion to two of their support programs for businesses and individuals:

The Local Lockdown Program is a way businesses, charities, and non-profits affected by a qualifying public health restriction can be eligible for wage and rent support through the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP). You do not have to be in the tourism, hospitality, arts, entertainment, or recreation sectors to be eligible for this support.

The Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit gives temporary income support to employed and self-employed people who cannot work due to a COVID-19 lockdown.

CANS COVID-19 Information

Click HERE to visit CANS COVID-19 Information Centre.