CANSx Talks

Launched in September 2021, CANSx Talks are educational events organized jointly with CANS Education and CANS members who are eager to share meaningful information with the Nova Scotia construction industry. Hosting opportunities are exclusive to CANS members but attendance is open to members and non-members.

Apply To Present A CANSx Talk

Do you have special expertise you’d like to share with CANS members?

*APPLY NOW: Click here to complete your application!

Applications must be submitted online.

Why Should I Host a CANSx Talk?

Wondering why you should apply to host a CANSx Talk? Take advantage of this speaking opportunity, exclusive to CANS members!

  • Opportunity to connect with CANS growing membership of 780+ member companies as well as industry stakeholders
  • Educate and inform the Nova Scotian industry on valuable information impacting construction;
  • Gain CANS as an experienced partner (with an award-winning education program!) to guide you through the process and to help your talk go smoothly

CANSx Guidelines

Below, you’ll find the complete set of rules for applying a CANSx event, from start to finish. These rules are non-negotiable and mandatory for all members.

CANSx Talk Format:
  • Applications must be submitted online;
  • Once approved, event registration will be hosted on CANS Education site and will be advertised as, “CANSx Talk – Company Name – the title of the talk;”
  • Sessions must be free for viewers;
  • Sessions will be advertised in a minimum of one CANS Weekly Campaign;
  • Sessions must be a minimum of 30 minutes in duration; maximum of 90 minutes;
  • Sessions will be hosted through CANS via Zoom;
  • A minimum of 10 must sign up for the session at least 5 business days before the scheduled event to run; maximum unlimited.
CANSx Talk Content:
  • Speakers cannot promote their own products or businesses, or those of a company that employs them. Talks can only feature technology, product demos, or books that inform an idea presented in a talk.
  • Speakers will be permitted to close the talk out with a 5-minute company overview or pitch at the end of the session – sharing of contact information etc.

Past Presentations

Some of Our Past Presenters Include:

  • Aon Insurance


For more information, contact:

Kaitlyn Bennett
Education & Training Lead